Should you stay or should you go?

Becoming Conscious in a Corporate World (Without Losing Your Sanity)

When your intuition has called to you amidst the corporate chaos, you’ll want a practical guide to becoming a conscious leader in or out of corporate.

Imagine bringing productivity, impact, and meaning back into your work.

Imagine finally having a guide for using your intuition as a leader.

Helping the ambitious-yet-overwhelmed channel their inherent intuition to become stronger leaders and entrepreneurs.

It’s hard to strike a balance between spirit and reality.

Right now you feel like you’re two different people. You show up to work at your desk or in the office, and you turn on the ‘professional’ switch, and you leave the magic at your doorstep… or so you think.

You know you’re an intuitively gifted person. You follow all the spiritual Pinterest boards and instagram pages, but from 9a-5p you're all “ain’t nobody got time for that.”

You’re stuck between a decision to grow your career or pursue your passions in a new business. You’re not 100% into your work and you’re not 100% into your soul. It’s an impossible crossroads.

You don’t want to hurt your heart, your head, or your wallet. You wanna be ‘witchy’ but certainly still want to be respected as the kick-ass, professional, authentic leader that you are.

You need a place for your practical mind and your magical soul to meet.

You need an intuitively aligned plan, whether you choose to stay, or choose to go.

I’m Linds, Psychic Medium and Leadership & Business Mentor

I spent 15 years climbing the corporate HR ladder, built organizations, businesses, and leaders from the ground up -  only to discover I was ignoring the secret weapon to my success; my intuition.

The burnout was real.  I was stuck. I felt like two different people at work and at home. I had no time to focus on myself, I had no idea where to start, and I wasn’t a big fan of all the ‘super ‘ woo’y spiritual teachers out there.

I knew I needed help finding and remaining my authentic magical self while still kicking ass in the boardroom.

Once I truly embraced and understood my gifts, mixed them in with my very practical and logical worldview, my life and leadership changed. I merged two whole personas into one whole influential leader.

Now, I’m breathing life back into work by upskilling intuitive leaders with a holistic and strategic approach to leadership.  I’m helping intuitive leaders move up in or out of corporate by merging spirit with strategy.

How the magic happens

How the magic happens

3 steps to finding your way up or out


We focus on you first. We channel your higher self to hone in on your intuitive gifts and find your greatest potential. We heal unresolved traumas through energy healing, mindfulness, and intuitive development. You reestablish a sense of security and belonging.


You learn about your intuitive and intellectual gifts and natural energy cycles. You use this natural sense of energy movement to reconstruct your ideal week, days, and relationships. Your productivity, impact, peace and happiness is increased. You merge your intuition and energy into your everyday life. You invite in what works for the healed version of you, and kick out the rest.


We take all you’ve built and wrap it up into your work and leadership. You decide if moving up or moving out is in the cards for you, and we build a tangible development plan for your career path or your exit strategy.

When you heal yourself, you heal others. We’re not just building stronger leaders, we’re building stronger teams, and stronger communities… all through intuition and energy (pretty cool…)

What they’re saying…

  • "My entire life I always felt and experienced things that most couldn’t explain. I always questioned what I was experiencing, which affected my confidence to interpret what was actually happening, and I still didn’t know how to navigate my gifts. Lindsay helped me get to a place that I had never been able to reach in my mediumship and spiritual journey. She has helped clear my energy in order to meditate. While meditating she has guided me through a spiritual journey that I didn’t realize I could reach. This has helped my confidence in understanding my gifts and how to interpret my experiences."

    Lisa, HR Professional

  • "Lindsay was so warm and kind even though we had never spoken before. I have been seeing mediums since I was a teenager as it is common practice in my family and she made me feel more comfortable and confident in her skills than many. She was through and patient and I felt like I was talking to a long time friend."

    Mary, Educational Consulting

  • "I was in a place in my life where I had anxiety and body aches. I may have entered the room nervous and unfamiliar with the process but Lindsay made me feel at ease and answered any questions I had. I walked out of my first session feeling lighter and focused. I was not sure at all what had just happened, but I knew I felt better. My mind couldn't comprehend it, but I was very aware that my mind was relaxed and my body felt so much better. Lindsay is full of knowledge and willing to teach you every step of the way."

    Veronica, Pharmaceutical Exec

Pathways to authentic and healed leadership

  • A Little Bit o' Healing

    A ‘choose your own adventure’ hour. You might be looking for messages from a passed loved one, guidance from the universe, energy healing, or hoping to find out more about those super cool supernatural powers you suspect you have.

  • The Overlook

    A virtual community support group for aspiring intuitive leaders. Receive channeled messages, develop leadership and business management skills, and network with other magical human beings.

  • The Escape Hatch

    A one-hour session with a custom leadership assessment and blueprints to bring you from being overwhelmed by indecision to having clarity in your path to move UP or move OUT of corporate. You’ll be able to confidently answer the age-old question: Should I stay or should I go?

  • Heal, Align, & Cultivate

    We’re pulling out all the stops. When you’re serious about making the call to stick around and grow in leadership, or take a hike to entrepreneurship, I’m all in for you. The HAC Method© is a 6-month journey to take you from feeling torn in two to kicking ass in this world and the next.

An IV drip of straight-up Energy Medicine.

The Week Ahead

A weekly(ish) free video reading to guide you into your next week as an aspiring and intuitive leader.
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