The HAC Method™

You’re tired of living in two worlds. You know you can make magic, but you struggle to tap in, or straight up hide it. You strive for authenticity, but you’re leaving your soul at the door when you walk into work. Imagine connecting with your intuition without disconnecting from the ‘real world’ to be more peaceful, productive, impactful, and happy in life and at work.

Imagine finally feeling prepared and comfortable in your decision to grow as a conscious corporate leader or grow out into entrepreneurship.


Healing, Aligning, and Cultivating Consciousness in Leadership

  • Show up for yourself the same way you show up for others.
    Trust in your gifts and intuition.

  • Recreate your origin story.
    Reframe your life on your own terms.

  • Experience healing for your body, mind, and soul
    through energy work and channeling from a
    certified healer and psychic medium.

  • Establish your bespoke daily intentional practice with newfound and practical knowledge of intuitive gifts, meditation, manifestation, and healing modalities.

  • Redefine leadership for yourself with conscious
    and intuitive principles as a guide.

  • Create and follow a strategic plan to successfully
    move up or move out of corporate.

How it’s done


Biweekly 1:1 sessions with Linds to set goals, talk through struggles, celebrate successes, and channel messages and healing when you need it the most.

Ongoing Slack chat for those ‘I could really use some answers’ type moments.


A bespoke development plan for yourself and your team or organization according to the intentional goals established. Accountability on an ongoing basis to guide you when needed, push you when you need it, or pull you back when you’re spiraling out.


A mix of how-to and do-for-you work in intentional practices, healing modalities, leadership principles, organizational theories, business start-up strategies and management compliance. At no point are you alone on this journey to becoming conscious in a corporate chaotic world.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

Are you ready to stay or ready to go?

Catapult out of indecision, cultivate your intuition, and create your aligned plan to find happiness in your work.

Your higher self is begging you to pay attention.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Yes! There is also an option of a VIP day during the course of your program for in-person healing. You can ask Linds about it.

  • Approximately 6 months. You’ll have 10 one-hour sessions scheduled biweekly, give or take a few weeks for scheduling hiccups.

  • No. This program is designed for those looking for a partnership in intuitive growth, leadership development, and a plan to the escape hatch. You’re able to schedule one-off healing sessions via the booking link in the menu

  • What is it costing you to continue to live bound and constricted?

    The HAC Method is $3600 for 10 sessions and ongoing Slack support. Monthly payment plans are available.

    Onsite healing option is available for a customized price, depending on location.

    You’ll also have access to the CLP community.

  • We each have different definitions of leadership. My definition of a conscious leader is a person responsible for others' wellbeing who continually finds themselves and facilitates that in others. They understand the need to integrate emotion, experience, and intention into all areas of life, even the ‘9-5’.

    If you’re a leader in corporate, an influencer on your team, or building your business, this program is custom designed for your growth.

  • If you’re not ready now, when will you be? If you’re not ready to invest in yourself, grab a copy of Becoming Conscious in a Corporate World (Without Losing Your Sanity)

    You can also come into the Zen Den; Free monthly email courses delivered straight to your inbox.